2017 was a really rather miserable year, but hopefully 2018 will be better. It wasn't all that bad in terms of music, but I'm busy during the holidays and exam period, so I didn't have time to sort out best albums. I also didn't listen to as many as last year, so it would've been hard to really honestly rank them. These 'best songs', or rather, my (40) favourite songs, are also in order of release, so this list is not a ranking. The whole thing is on spotify, but if you want a little more explanation and notes on my favourite records of the year, read on.
a studying architect, a music addict fashionista, a closet novelist.
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Friday, 20 October 2017
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Album Reviews: Summer
The last time I had such an un-metal summer, I think, must have been at least two years ago. To be fair, I did reach back a lot for releases from 2016, an apparent heat-induced laziness preventing me from searching out new, potentially more interesting music. Summer is always a floatier affair, not really lending itself to the heavy sluggishness of my usual musical diet. Instead, there's some light-hearted prog and in memory of the fun days, a surprising amount of relative-to-doom upbeat punk.
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Album Reviews: Spring
Here is my extremely late recap of the spring albums I've listened to - better late than never, I guess. At this point I doubt I'll do a monthly of summer either, especially since there are less releases altogether; so hopefully I'll pick up the regular schedule in September.
Saturday, 25 March 2017
Makeup Revolution New-trals vs Neutrals Palette
I've wanted a proper red eyeshadow for very long - not a burgundy, or a glittery red; but sadly the drugstore wasn't offering these options. And when MUR's new New-trals vs Neutrals palette came out, I thought, if only I could have this. To my absolute delight, I discovered that my local drugstore was selling it, for a price that came out lower than ordering it from the brand's UK-based website, so I promptly purchased it. Now that I've used it a few times, I can give an in-depth review of it.
Nagyon régen szerettem volna rendes vörös szemhéjfestéket - nem bordót, meg nem csillámos pirosat, de sajnos a drogériákban ilyesmit nem igazán lehet találni. Aztán az interneten szembejött a Makeup Revolution új palettája, ami viszont tökéletesnek tűnt. Gondolkoztam egy darabig a rendelésen, de aztán felfedeztem a közeli Rossmannban a MUR-állványt, így aztán ott egyből megvettem. Most már használtam elég sokat, úgyhogy gondoltam, leírom a tapasztalataimat és a véleményemet.
Monday, 6 March 2017
Album Reviews: January-February
Many people make New Year's Resolutions - I don't, as I wouldn't be keeping them anyway. Case in point: instead of jumping right into new releases, I'm still listening to my 2016 favourites. It's hard to let go. Partly because of that, partly because of uni hell, the material for January stretched quite thin, and so I lumped these to last miserable winter months together. It's a pity even more so, because there were a few really good new albums, and I'm afraid I didn't give many of them a thorough enough listen.
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Sleek 'Solstice' Highlighting Palette
I'm a bit late to the highlighting game, I admit. I was quickly enamored with it. I have a few products, but none so amazing that this recent purchase, the Solstice highlighting palette from Sleek
Egy kissé megkésve kapcsolódok be a nagy highlighter őrületbe, pedig nagyon hamar megtetszett. Van néhány termékem, de egyik sem olyan jó (minőségű), mint az újonnan beszerzett Sleek Solstice.
Saturday, 21 January 2017
I Heart Makeup: Death by Chocolate
I am getting to slowly organise my photos of my purchases from England, and I really wanted to write reviews of my favourite ones. One of those is I Heart Makeup's Death by Chocolate palette.
Lassan rendszerezem az Angliában vásárolt sminktermékeim fotójait, és természetesen szerettem volna írni a legalább a kedvenceimről. Ezek egyike az I Heart Makeup Death by Chocolate palettája.
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
Rapid Fire Book Tag
I found a pretty fun book tag, and I decided to complete it. It's a good way to get me to finally write those book reviews/recommendations that I wanted to for so long. I'm still sitting on my Raven Cycle review, I feel like partly because I love it so much that I'm afraid not being able to do it justice in my review.
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