Saturday, 31 December 2016

Top 40 Songs of 2016

This is my last blog post for the year - my favourite 40 songs of the year. These are not actually the 40 songs I listened to the most - I tried to limit myself to 1-2 songs per artist so as to be more representative of what I listened to throughout the year. Here is the spotify playlist (with a few songs replaced, because spotify still doesn't have everything) - I think it makes for a nice playlist to listen to between the two holidays.
In any case, whether you read the (extremely long) music list below - Happy New Year!

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Top 10 Albums of 2016

I tried to narrow my favourite albums down to 5, but even managing 10 was a bit hard, so I made an extended list this year. I've done reviews of all of these before, so here I'll only shortly comment on why I think these particular albums stand out above the rest that I've listened to in 2016. As always, the list is heavily subjective (almost as much as the soon-to-come Top 40 of 2016).

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Christmas Part One

Here I am with me early Christmas presents - as we are flying to England tomorrow, I had to have my usual family Christmas a bit before. I had exams on the 21st, so it all had to be condensed into Wednesday afternoon, topped off with a late night showing of Rogue One (which was absolutely fucking amazing), so Christmas is off to a good start.
Néhány korai ajándékról szól a mai bejegyzés - holnap Angliába repülünk az ünnepekre, így a családi vacsorát előbbre kellett hozni. Mivel 21-én még vizsgáztam, egy rövid szerda délután lett belőle, méltó befejezésként pedig megnéztük a Rogue One-t (a, a cím magyar fordítása rettenetes, b, a film fantasztikusan jó volt), szóval jól kezdődött az ünnep.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Album Reviews: November

November is busy and this poor college student has had more breakdowns that she could count on one hand, but nevertheless, here is the next - and last for the year - installment of the monthly album reviews. As such, regrettably, I haven't had the time to check out many new releases, but what I did check out was of really high quality, so they shouldn't disappoint.