Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Korean Beauty Haul

Korean beauty products are all over everywhere among beauty blogs. Some of it is fashion, but it's undeniably there are lots of great affordable products, especially skincare. I too like them for that reason mainly; others include the fact that some products are just superior, insanely cute packaging, and the huge range of products.
A koreai szépségápolási termékek mostanra mindenhol elterjedtek (New Yorkban már Tonymoly márkabolt is van...). Részint mert szimplán divatba jött, de kétségkívül remek, és megfizethető termékeket lehet találni, leginkább a bőrápolás kategóriában.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Album Reviews: October

October was a good month. Naturally, the autumn months generally fit the mood of the genre better, but the quality of the releases was still superb, even after September, which had many favourites for me. These months see me sitting at home with my laptop working a bit more, so there's always some music in the background, and the memorable ones help me get through those dreaded all-nighters.