Sunday, 14 July 2013

DIY spiked shorts

I think I've mentioned just how overwhelming black is in my closet (and I'm fine with it). I really am ready to admit that I'm fashion-conscious - had I been born a boy, I'm sure I'd be a total metal-head, outfit-wise: all black and a few band T-shirts.
As it is, there are a few non-black pieces in my closet, and especially in cases of 'bottom wear' I'm really picky about it. I've had a pair of high-waisted denim shorts which my mother bought me about 4(!) years ago. I've never worn them, because they are plain and boring (and not black). But since a year high waist is in, and unlike many such shorts I've tried in shops they actually fit me around the waist as well.
So how can one improve those boring, plain shorts? Well, here's a (really simple) way.